Sunday, October 30, 2005

The strength of a Mother during brunch!

I am soon to marry the most amazing woman, who is not only beautiful and intelligent, but is a fabulous cook and will be an amazing Mother, of this I am certain. And thats a good thing, because to be a 'successful' Mother these days, you need 6 arms, 10 hands, 4 pairs of eyes, the strength and stamina of a mountain lion and enough patience to be Paris Hilton's language therapist.

We just hosted a very informal brunch, a last minute thing. You know the type, no fuss, no hassle.... yeah right, NO CHANCE! The afternoon was a lot of fun. We had some good friends, good food and good friends. Some of those friends who brought their very cute and adorable children with them. And believe me, the children are wonderful. But, until today, I had not realised the strength of a Mother, during brunch. I was a little bit suspicious when the two Fathers turned down our offer of the informal brunch, instead choosing to stay at home and send the family off to our house. I was even thinking that maybe I had p*ssed them off in some way. But now I realise, this was an escape for the day. Like the POW attempting to break out of Auschwitz, this was their chance for freedom! (If only for a few hours before they were recaptured and sent to clean the toilets!)

As the day unfolded, my respect for these two woman has increased ten fold. Now let me clarify, I have always had respect for Mothers, there is no question of that. But today was different. Today I saw up close the time and effort that a loving Mother has to endure. I saw them drop their food and hare after their kids as they make their way for freedom through an open door! I saw them patiently tell their kids fifteen times not to pick op the pebble in the centre of the table arrangement as licking a stone is generally considered not good for your palate. But above all else, I saw these woman sustain these torrents of challenges, with the utmost decorum and poise, and only stopping once for a glass of Merlot!

It is with this in mind that I say to all Mothers past present and future (but in particular to my Mother and hopefully the future Mother of my children), I salute you ladies. You are without doubt, the driving force that makes the world go round.


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