Friday, October 28, 2005


A short post this time, but just as important as my other ravings. Friends are the most important element of our lives. They lift us up when we are down, they bring us back to reality when we are really acting like d*cks!

Now you read that and you are thinking, 'yeah yeah I have friends, what is he talking about!'. But stop, stop and think. Do you have a friend, that would listen to you rant for an hour when you had a bad day at work, and not be on the other end of the line on mute whilst they engage in some other activity pretending they are listening. Think about it, do you have one? If you don't, all is not lost, there is always time to make that effort, cultivate those acquaintances, and who knows where it will lead. Remember this, a friend is for life, not just for Christmas. Hang on, is that a friend or a dog? Ahhh Nuts! Well you get the point!


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