Monday, November 28, 2005

Got Turkey? Plenty thanks!

Thanksgiving. A great American tradition. My friend JJ described it as "Settlers come, don't know what to do through the winter, share food with the natives. Then because they dont have any meaningful way of documentating land ownership, they promise to eventually pay them back." Can't tell he is going to be a lawyer can you?

Well thats all well and good. And from those humble beginnings with the natives, it has turned into a food and family fest. Families get together around this time every year, and celebrate this great landmark of American history. In addition, they eat a sh*t load of food, drink a sh*t load of booze and end up arguing with the cousin they haven't seen since last year!

Well my thanksgiving experience was fantastic. Great food, great family and good friends (well for those that turned up and didn't cancel the the day before!) But, having eaten Turkey every day for the last 5 days since Thanksgiving, I am really glad it only comes once a year. Roll on Christmas, and errrr.... more turkey!


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