Monday, November 07, 2005

They say there is a pill for anything these days.

My friend Davos sent me this website. He says he got it from a friend, but I am starting to wonder :-)
Personally, I never knew things like this existed, and I am quite disturbed that they do. Since when is being homosexual, a disease that you need to take a pill for? I honestly thought this was a joke, a spoof website set up by the writers of Jackass or something.

Look at the FAQ on the site, it says that "one of the long-term goals of treatment is to keep Homosexuality from troubling you again." Now I have friends who are homosexual, and I am not sure they believe it is a 'trouble' for them. In fact I am sure they are out enjoying life and having very little trouble with their sexuality at all!

I wonder how this product came on the market, and who thought they could 'cure' homosexuality like it is a bout of the flu? I also wonder, does it come with a Doctors warning that states:

Side effects of taking Hetracil may include:
* Turning you into (or back into) a rampant heterosexual where you feel the need to kill small animals and roast them over a fire with wood you just chopped from a giant redwood!
* May also bring on bouts of manly conversations about cars, football and 'shagging birds'.
* Will probably cause you to fart violently 14 times a day in a very humourous way.

Although now I think about it, if it does achieve these kinds of things, there are some heterosexual guys I know that could also do with a good dose! Good luck ladies!


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